free your minds
i still believe the crisis in our poor arab and islamic world is a crisis of mind , and the real war in this changing world is a war of ideas and thoughts , the idea lead the military power and the use of weapons is a confirmation of the triumph of that ideology or idea asd superior one , we muslims though we have the strongest idea , a divine idea , concept of truth and guidance , yet we are defeated and humiliated nation , it's so simple , we don't believe truly in islam as guidance and salvation , otherwise we would follow its principles and teachings , i find it really strange to find nations which have a deep belief in a misleading ideologies and a nation which have some doubts about the efficiency of its religion in finding solutions to their problems , we need to use our minds and rethink our position in the world , if we believe prosperity and power are from allah , so why we do not see them coming , it's obvious , we don't deserve allah's help !!!! , we have first to correct our position , fulfill our duties towards our lord , making pure intention to serve allah and the nation " niyya khalisa" , relying on allah's power and will "tawakkul", learning about life , understanding our world ( some of our brothers would say : i'm not created to understand the world , but to worship allah , i agree but the rest of the world are allah's creatures and we are not ufos !!! we make part of this humanity , wether we like it or not ) , another thing is the fact that our minds are broken because they are contaminated with negative ideas about life and the role we should have as a positive actors , alot of nowadays corruption is given a legitime cover in name of religion and patriotism ( in alot of cases patriotism have had the upper hand no matter against whom it's beeing used , in most cases other arab and muslim countries ) , so for the sake of allah free your minds and purify your hearts .