violent provocation and a simple reaction
i didn't write since a long time , but with this affair of the blasphemous cartoons towards our prophet (peace be upon him) i think i should say something , the danish newspaper claimed that it had no intention to hurt muslims feelings , it has just exerciced freedom of press !!!, the amazing thing for me is the amazement itself of the these people when they saw the reaction of muslims around the globe , maybe because they have no respect for other people beliefs from the beginning or maybe they themselves have no belief in god ( i mean sincere belief, otherwise they wouldn't insult jesus himself ( peace be upon him)), i'm against violence and against attacking embassies and harming innocent people and the majority of muslims are peaceful , but it's really difficult for any muslim or for any believer to keep silence when his faith is insulted at this level, and let me ask a question : those who have made this cartoons weren't aware of its consequences ? of course they were , but they want to confirm the theory of a viloent clash between a so-called civilized west and a hostile muslim world, but thank to god they're a minority in the west as well as the extremists are very small minority in the muslim world, i'm sure alot of western people and specially intelectuals are against this blasphemy and with those wise people that the muslim world should built bridges and exchange ideas and opinions , what happened has revealed how huge the gap between a west that exagertated alot it's definition of freedom of press and a muslim world that believes alot in a western conspiracy , freedom of the press have limits called diffamation, insult , racism ...and before asking why the muslims are so violent ask what did you do to muslims as a proof of your sincere will of peaceful coexistence ?